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From common problems in the home, to expertise on heating and cooling systems, and more, Pippin Brothers' blog is a smart follow!

November 27, 2012

To truly make your holiday guests feel at home, go beyond just preparing them a place to sleep and food to eat...

November 14, 2012

Getting your furnace checked annually by a heating professional will cost you a little money and time up front but will save you much more in the long run...

November 1, 2012

No one likes having a to-do list that is miles long – and we are certainly no different. So this fall, we’ve whittled your home maintenance tasks to these three essential items.

October 9, 2012

Have you ever attempted to shop for a new home air filter for your heating and cooling system? If you answered yes, you have witnessed first-hand the sheer number of sizes, materials and types of air filters available...

September 21, 2012

The ductwork in your home is essential to the comfort and efficiency of heating and air conditioning system. These five characeristics of new air ducts save money and improve your comfort.

September 17, 2012

No one like surprise repair bills. Learn three things you can do to keep the furnace repairman away from your home this winter...

September 11, 2012

Air quality has been proven to affect your health. Find out some of the disturbing facts of your home's indoor air quality.

August 23, 2012

Drought and drought-like conditions continue throughout the U.S. and Oklahoma. Learn how you can reduce water waste and conserve this precious resource in your Lawton area home...

August 16, 2012

If you are looking for ways to increase your home’s comfort and decrease your energy bills, consider analyzing each area of your home before making any major purchase...

August 7, 2012

Hot water is something we all take for granted... until it isn't there. In this blog, we discuss some of the most common hot water problems in Lawton, OK and what you can do to prevent them...
