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Are you away from your home more than a couple hours each day? If so, you are a prime candidate to save money on your monthly energy bills with a programmable thermostat. Why are you spending money to keep your home at a comfortable temperature even when you aren’t home? What are programmable thermostats?A programmable thermostat allows you to…
The inefficient windows, ducts and heating and cooling system in your home could be wasting hundreds of your dollars in energy loss. Upgrading your home to be more efficient will not only save you money in the long term, but now is also more affordable with up to $8750 available in rebates and tax credits. How does it work?Many homeowners are…
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous, colorless and odorless gas resulting from incomplete combustion. If you have any fuel appliances in your home, such as a water heater, boiler, furnace, range or stove, you may be exposing yourself to unhealthy levels of carbon monoxide. What is carbon monoxide?Carbon monoxide is the #1 cause of poisonings in…
Your water heater is an appliance you rely on everyday. By performing key maintenance tasks, you can not only save money on costly repairs, but also make sure that your water heater continues to run well for years to come. 1. Lower the temperature setting on your water heater. Many water heaters' default setting is over 130 degrees Fahrenheit.…
As the weather continues to grow colder, our thoughts inevitably turn to the oncoming holiday season. You may have travel arrangements to make, gifts to buy and cards to write. But among all the activity, don’t neglect to prepare your house for the season as well. PlumbingThe plumbing in your home tends to be one of those things that you often…
Summer is over. For the moment, that means enjoying cool fall weather. But the cold temperatures of winter are lurking around the corner. And with colder temperatures come high winter energy bills. However, with these 12 tips from Pippin Brothers, you can reduce your energy usage and save money this winter. Install a programmable thermostat. If…
We all take our air ducts for granted. But without them our cooling and heating units would be unable to bring our houses to comfortable temperatures. Improperly designed, failing or dirty ducts may be costing you money and affecting your comfort and resulting in higher energy bills. To help you, we have compiled a list of the six most common duct…
Heating the hot water in your house accounts for nearly 30% of your energy budget. So finding an efficient, cost-effective way to heat your house can reap real rewards. Tankless water heaters offer both point-of-use as well as whole-house solutions. How Do They Work?Have you ever been the last in line for a shower and had to settle for cold water…
Whether it’s dust, cigarette smoke, household cleaners, mold, mildew, naturally occurring radon gasses or other particulates, the air inside our homes can sometimes be harmful. When statistics say people spend as much as 80-90% of their time indoors, air quality is definitely worth paying attention to. Ways You Can Improve Air Quality There are…
Reducing unnecessary energy loss and improving your comfort can make a big difference to your overall energy bill. Things like having your furnace, air conditioner and ductwork inspected at least once a year can help you identify problems. Problems, according to Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO), that can account for 15-35% of a home’s…

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